About Dick Milton

Dick Milton was a long-time CASA volunteer and member of the Foster Children’s Fund Committee. He was a passionate and tireless volunteer, serving 34 children as an advocate with incredible results.

Dick’s particular focus was on keeping sibling groups together while in foster care. One of his cases involved a group of four siblings. Recognizing that all they had was each other, Dick made extraordinary efforts to keep the sibling group together. As a result of his efforts, all four children were placed with a foster family and were later adopted permanently by the family.

In 2000, Dick drafted legislation preventing siblings from being placed in separate foster care and adoptive homes whenever possible. He then worked with CASA to find a sponsor for the bill. Colorado House Bill 1108 passed that same year.

In appreciation of Dick Milton’s 16 years of service to children of the Pikes Peak Region and the State of Colorado, CASA’s Foster Children’s Fund was named in his honor in 2008.

Pictured: Dick Milton with Trudy Strewler, Founder and former Executive Director of CASA of the Pikes Peak Region.


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