Letter from Angela regarding parking for CASA volunteers
It has been exciting to see so much new development around the CASA office the past couple of years. However, growth and development is often accompanied by parking issues which we are now experiencing. We want to make you aware of a couple of changes regarding the CASA parking lot.
Many of you have probably noticed the new boutique hotel across our parking lot – Kinship Landing. We have a great relationship with this business and are sharing our parking lot with its staff. The parking map at the bottom of this article shows yellow stars for the spots now reserved for Kinship Landing. The rest of the spaces are for you to use, including the accessible spaces and the spaces marked for CASA volunteers on the side of the building. There are also signs in the lot to remind you.
In addition to sharing our parking lot, we have noticed many unauthorized visitors using our space. As a result, new signage has been installed and we have enlisted the services of a towing company. The first time we notice an unauthorized visitor, we will place a warning note on their windshield as a courtesy. The second time, we will contact the towing company.
All CASA volunteers and staff have access to parking passes which will prevent us from placing a warning note on your car. Next time you come to the office, you may request a parking pass at the front desk. Place it on your dashboard and keep it to use each time you visit the office for CASA business.
Thank you in advance for being flexible and please let me know if you have any questions or concerns. You can reach me at angelar@casappr.org.
Thank you!