Lynne Rossman
Legacy Society Members
Lynne Rossman believes in giving back to her community. This philosophy was surely shaped by her work as a relationship coach through her business, Life Quest Mentoring. We, at CASA, appreciate Lynne’s giving and generous spirit. We are honored that she has chosen to give back through CASA and as a member of the Legacy Society.
CASA’s Legacy Society was established to recognize special individuals, like Lynne, who have included CASA as a beneficiary in their will, estate plans, gift annuity, IRA, life insurance policy, etc. (regardless of the amount). Each year, members are honored for their special commitment at an intimate reception. It is a wonderful time to meet and share ideas with like-minded, philanthropic community members.
We talked to Lynne about her decision to join the Legacy Society…
Why did you decide to join CASA’s Legacy Society?
When I moved to Colorado Springs 3 years ago, I wanted to get involved in my community and leave a legacy that would offer financial support when I transition. I had heard about CASA and decided that was the organization for me that could best help children who need an advocate. CASA provides caring, supportive assistance that lets the children who have had abusive home environments feel safe and loved – something that every child wants and deserves.
Why is it important to you to leave a legacy for CASA’s future children?
I decided to put CASA in my trust because I love and value children, and feel the children are our future. My intention is to give back to our community and to create a financial legacy that will help to continue CASA’s services that make this a better community and a better world for the children.
Have you found benefits to joining a group like the Legacy Society?
The benefit of being a CASA Legacy Society member is that I feel good inside, because I am leaving a financial legacy that will continue to support all the wonderful services that CASA offers for abused children who have not had loving, family childhood experiences.