Celebrating National Volunteer Week

National CASA Podcast

Celebrating National Volunteer Week

We don’t share the disturbing details of abuse/neglect cases we serve on due to rules confidentiality and out of respect for the children and families, but know that there are tragic and gut-wrenching things that happen to kids in our community and CASA volunteers are in the trenches 24/7 working on their behalf. To the hundreds of volunteers in El Paso and Teller counties… We honor you and thank you for you selflessness, dedication, and compassion for kids.

National CASA asked members of the network and Facebook community to describe the successful qualities of a CASA volunteer. Here are a few…

  • Belief in the potential of every child
  • Ability to see inner beauty
  • Listening to what is said and what is unsaid
  • Nonthreatening, open-minded and impartial
  • Patience
  • Dogged determination

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